Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Next travel adventure in Central Asia: Peace Corps volunteer in Kyrgyzstan

After more than a decade, I am reviving this blog to document my new and ongoing cross-cultural travel experiences. In June 2024, I'll be joining my cohort of PCVs, as we gather to head out for 27 months of training then service work in several of the small villages and towns in Kyrgyzstan. I'm excited to be taking this path, as I am transitioning out of my longtime career working as a manager for a nonprofit STEM education/workforce development/peer review organization (Oak Ridge Associated Universities) in Tennessee, USA.  

The past decade has been a rewarding time in my life and career, but as many of you have experienced as you get more years under your belts, you sometimes come to a crossroads in life. This is certainly one of those times for me. From a combination of personal life sadnesses, changing priorities, and a yearning to resume my life travels I began decades ago, this is my time to make life changing decisions. Those of you that know me well, are not surprised that I am willing to "suddenly" change directions onto a radically different path (after years of consideration). To follow my passion to explore and experience new cultures, food, and people. This is part of my soul's desire to lead a fulfilling life. 

I'm in the pre-departure phase now, having applied to the PC, been interviewed and begun my clearance process months ago.  I'm now beginning initial language learning, doing research on the country, attending regular Zoom meetings with the staff of PC Kyrgyzstan to clarify expectations, etc. Lots to still accomplish before I can  head out in June, but it's slowly coming together and taking shape.  One very helpful thing was being paired with a current PCV that is already serving in the country, and having a live one-on-one one conversation to get some of my detailed questions answered: like what is a typical day like, what type of clothes should I bring, what type of living arrangements to expect, cost of food and other items, how to get any needed medicines, etc All the many small and big questions we take for granted that we know how to handle here at home, but will be new in a new country, living with a host family.

I'm excited, and busily getting myself ready to go, and organizing things here at home while I am away. It's always more to think about than you realize till time begins to move fast towards the leaving date!

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